Aeroseal Benefits

Tired of Fighting a Never Ending Battle with Dust?
Pollutants from unconditioned spaces get sucked into your ducts leaving you with lots of dust and poor air quality.
Leaky return ducts will result in having:
Dusty home and more frequent filter changes
Poor and unhealthy indoor air quality
Uncontrollable humidity problems
Possible mold growth inside of your ducts from moisture
Increased energy consumption
Of your time is spent indoors
Quality of indoor air can be more polluted than outside
Top 5
The EPA states that IAQ is a Top 5 Health Risk
1 in 12
The number of people with asthma continues to grow
Take Control of Dust
with Aeroseal
Sealing your ductwork with Aeroseal increases your home’s indoor air quality, helping to eliminate dust, allergens, and odors coming inside from unconditioned spaces.
Blocks Dust & Allergens to Create a Cleaner Environment
Sealed air returns stop gross dust, dirt, allergens, and other air pollutants from being introduced into your system and then blasted all over your house
Provides Healthier Airflow throughout your Home
In addition to greater airflow coming out of your vents, sealing your ducts blocks out all the filthy dust, dirt, and allergens, providing the fresh air that you expect and putting your mind at ease
Control Humidity Issues and Avoid Mold Growth
Sealing your air returns will block humid and unconditioned air from entering the system and eliminate the threat of mold growth inside your ducts
Your Home Should Be a Safe Haven
You deserve to be comfortable and cozy in your own home with friends and family.

Hidden Leaks in Your Air Vent and Duct System Rob You of Comfort
Instantly fix your home with Aeroseal.
Aeroseal improves comfort in your home immediately, removing “dead zones”, and evening out temperatures in EVERY room and balancing air flow and humidity, so you can truly get the most out of your furnace, air conditioner and any smart thermostat and climate control technology.
Even Temperatures Throughout the House
Aeroseal allows the HVAC systems to properly heat and cool homes by delivering conditioned air where it is wanted, providing consistently even temperatures in every room of your home
You’ll Feel the Difference Immediately
Sealing your ducts dramatically increases the amount of airflow coming out of your vents, ensuring maximum conditioned air from your system as it
should be

Get a Great Night’s Sleep
Another benefit of Aeroseal is by sealing your ducts you eliminate those stuffy upstairs rooms that are so uncomfortable in the warmer months because the conditioned air isn’t
reaching them
Spend Less. Save More.
With Aeroseal, you can put that hard-earned money back in your pocket.
47% Avg. Home’s Energy Bill is Spent on
Heating & Cooling
Cringe Every Time You See Your Energy Bill?
The U.S. Department of Energy reports the typical home may lose from 25 to 40% of its conditioned air due to leaky ducts. As a result, your furnace or AC unit works harder and longer, consumes much more energy, and wears out sooner.
For you, this means sky-high utility bills and a shortened system life. The good news is, our simple and easy solution can save you money by saving you energy.
Sealing your leaky ducts will result in:
Reduced energy consumption
Lower energy bills
Increased system performance
Longer system life
Save Up To 30% On Your Energy Bills
This is a huge deal! A benefit you can truly see and feel in your wallet. You can realize an annual savings of up to $850 per year on your heating and cooling bills
Increase Your HVAC Efficiency
Sealing your ducts allows the maximum amount of air to be delivered to the rooms throughout your home as it should. This allows the home to reach your desired temperature much faster, making it much
more efficient
Get A Better Performing System
Aerosealing your ducts will help get the most out of your system which equals more air from your vents providing greater home comfort and a longer system life

Source: Comfort Institute. Based on Department of Energy Research and FL Energy Office Research Report: FSEC-CR-397-91 Degradation above is typical. Impact is up to 50% greater on AC performance if return air leakage is from a hot attic or attached garage. Impact is typically 50% to 100% greater on winter heating performance of a heat pump with electric resistance auxiliary heat.
Get the Efficiency
You Paid For
Sealing your ducts is the best way to achieve maximum efficiency from your equipment.
Sealing and insulating your ducts increases system efficiency, lowers your energy bills, and can often pay for itself in energy savings. Plus, if you’re planning to install new heating and cooling equipment, a well-designed and sealed duct system may allow you to downsize to a smaller, less costly heating and cooling system that will provide better dehumidification.

What Experts are Saying…
“Typical duct systems lose 25-40 percent of the heating and cooling energy put out by the central furnace, heat pump or air conditioner.Duct repairs could be the most important energy improvement measure you can do.”
U.S. Department of Energy Consumer Report
“For an average home, leaky ducts can waste hundreds of dollars each year.Duct leakage also lowers the heating and cooling capacity, and can lessen equipment life.”
Southface Energy Institute
Bigger Is Not Always Better
Does your current system seem to run non-stop, or do you have rooms that are too hot or too cold? If you were unhappy with your old unit, don’t just assume you need bigger equipment. The real cause may be a bad duct system. It’s rare to find a unit that actually is undersized. More often, the real problem is a weak duct system, air leaks, missing insulation, or inadequate maintenance.
An Oversized Heating & Cooling System Leads To:
Higher Utility Bills
More Breakdowns & Repair Bills
Uneven Temperatures
Uncomfortable Summertime Humidity
Increased Noise
Greater Duct Leakage
Increased Mold, Dust Mites and Allergies
Case Studies

Fast, effective duct sealing helps solve a home renovation problem and turns a sales lead into another loyal customer Just weeks after finishing their work, Barron received a call from…

Local Aeroseal dealer called for help in getting even heat throughout the home On the scheduled day, the Aeroseal team arrived in the morning, laid down drop cloths in the…

Aerosealing ductwork succeeds in reducing home energy use after a variety of other fix-it projects failed The Aeroseal team at Reliable arrived at Denise’s home in the morning and was…

Aeroseal delivers improved comfort, lower energy bills, and less dusting... a lot less Since having her home aerosealed, Sue has given away her window air conditioners. She just doesn’t need…